God has had me thinking today about Patriotism. So I decided to look it up, according to
Brainy Quote Patriotism means:
Love of country; devotion to the welfare of ones country; the virtues and actions of a patriot; the passion which inspires one to serve ones country.
God reminded me Capt. Richard "Steve" Leary who was a native of Brantford. When he returned home and his funeral was to happen people lined up on Charring Cross to give there final respects. Which is AWESOME!!
Now mind you I'm not trying to detract the Honor of Mr. Leary or other soldiers. But we as a people will Honor someone that we've never met?, never would have noticed if he had not died in this war? And yet when it comes to God, We can't even rally/Honor behind his plans. Yes Mr. Leary and other soldiers have made the ultimate sacrifice for there country. But you know Jesus made the biggest Sacrifice, His sacrifice doesn't have national boundaries, its a selfless sacrifice for anyone willing to accept his plan.
When does the time come when we can rally behind the plans of god? What will it take to ignite the fire in all of us to have the passion for gods country and not our own little countries. Mind you I'm speaking about the church as a whole. Where does it start that we declare under one banner of god's patriotism.
Just a thought.. Also I made the flag in this post for fun. Its symbolic of the light shining through the cross to scatter the darkness..
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