Well me and Barb had another date on Tuesday. We went to Boston Pizza for dinner. It was Pasta Tuesday, which was cool so we got pasta. I got shrimp penne and she got spaghetti and meat balls. It was really good too! Then we ended going to the late show and seeing "Darkness" I liked it. She said she was scared. But it was still a good movie. The ending was quiet different then most scary movies. So that was a nice change.
I also have been keeping my eye on the poll! At least most of you believe in god :). I would also like to thank anyone who donated to Shannon's Ride of the roses. I also had a record today of over 550 visits in one day. The previous day was 180. LOL it surprised the heck out of me.. I also made a record with comments so that makes me more happy. I plan on writing a mini sermon for my blog. Well when I say mini it usually means about 340000 pages. I can never be brief. If you haven't noticed before..
My dad still hasn't called me back from the last time I talked to him. Nor have I got any replies to my e-mails. He also said he was gonna deposit 100$ into my account as a late Christmas present. But hopefully he will get back to me soon.
Work has been going pretty good lately as well. But the last 2 days has been slow I've been receiving some special training for enterprise sales. Myself and some other agents have been hand selected to be a backup team if anything happens to one of the other call centres. So Its kinda a Honor to say your a good rep we want you.. So thats kinda cool. But it also means I gotta know a lot more junk ERG! Now if I could get a raise outta that then all the better. But that won't be happening LOL!
I've also been trying to grow my hair. I want to let it grow. Hopefully the bangs won't drive me nuts until I say screw it. LOL. But I was wondering if any of you ladies know of a hair color for dark brown hair to do streaks. I looked but it said it was for blonde hair only.... Let me know :)
Hopefully everyone is doing well :)
God Bless
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