Well I have some bad news to announce. My father unfortunately passed yesterday (Oct 29Th) at a young age of 44 (I'm 22 btw). And I've come home for all the funeral arrangements in St.catharines. I'm very sad about this news and have taken it really hard. God is being my comforter and I hope he will continue to do so. It has not been easy. I have been surrounded by my friends and family. And I really appreciate the support from everyone. God has treated me well. Its really hard to type this as I'm about 10 feet where he was found. I'm probably going to speak at the funeral, but this will be extremely hard no doubt. I hope god can give me the strength and the words to do so.
I've very proud to say that god allowed me to talk to my dad about god. I also found out today that he accepted Christ before he died. I'm very glad that I was about to talk to god with him and to know he accepted god is amazing. I believe god has used me to get to him and for that I am thankful. I'm in tears writing this. I would like to ask for your prayers. I really could use them.
I have to go now..
I hope god will continue to bless you in your lives.
*Update* the autopsy came back that it was not due to medical reasons. To sum it up quickly my step brother let a friend in, but did not hear him leave. An arrest warrant is going to be issued to find this person. Right now they suspect murder. This makes it even harder for me. Please keep praying for me.
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