Well I really know I'm a slacker been busy. Lots of stuff to talk about.
First of all I lost my job. Been off maybe 3 weeks. Still trying to get my Record of employment (ROE) from my old job. Still haven't found a new job yet. God has been treating me good otherwise. Keeps me fed. But again that's almost to nill of my food left. I'm some what worried. I feel this is a test to trust god more. I hope I'm up for this challenge. It sure is tough will all these bills coming in and not being able to pay them. Being worried about loosing my apartment. And as it being Easter I miss my dad. Went to his plot today. It was good left a card and so did my aunt and we left flowers. Where he's at it was also vandalized recently before I came a lot of damage. But my dads plot was not touched thank god for that. I've been extremely stressed over these situations though. And I know I shouldn't and just let god handle it. Which I have tried and I am still holding my trust in him to take care of my problems. But of course I have to help myself too! Beth has been on my mind a lot to (my step mom) about all the stuff shes done since my dad has passed. A lot of things that seem suspicious. But I will not judge for it is not my place to do so. I will defiantly let god handle that matter in his own way.
I watched "The Passion of the Christ" tonight. I seen it months ago with my ex-roommate Paul. But I felt I needed to see it again and man it's like a hot coal burning my skin. It still bites like nails. It makes me think of just saying thank you over and over. I mean he took our punishment. How can this world be so blind to not see his love. I mean my gosh what more can one do but to give his life for a loved one or a friend. It makes me cry.
I'm also really afraid to leave Brantford. I honestly do not want to leave. God says stay and if he wants that then I will stay. Its embedded deep into my heart that I NEED to stay in Brantford. I have such a appreciate for my friends I have. But also the down fall is my family is here in St. Catharines. I don't wish to neglect my family. But I will follow what gods will is for me no matter what that means.
Also another thought in my head is a word from Leeann (someone from my church). She had a word for me about 3 weeks ago a day before I got put on suspension. Well actually they pulled me off and made me buddy jack from wed-Fri and then suspended my employment until Monday when they had word of my employment status. Well that never happened and finally got word of it on Wednesday.. But... The Tuesday before I got pulled off from my employment duties. Leeann gave me a word from god that said to paraphrase.
Trust in me,
Don't look for others approval for I approve of you.
God knows all. So I will trust in him to the best of my ability that I can trust. I know god will let things work out in his timing.
So now I wait to hear about my life in Brantford. I ask for your prayers because me being out of a job and no incoming coming in. My food is basically gone and the money I do have left is for my rent for next month. Please pray that I will find a job, find a way to get food for me to eat. And that god will allow me to stay in Brantford (The city of God)..
I hope all is well for all and may god bless your life.
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