I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. - John 15:5

Sunday, November 13, 2005
Well today was such an amazing day. I feel so good today its awesome. God is definatly good to me. Its been almost 2 weeks i think since my dad passed. But god is helping me cope with my loss. I'm getting better and better each day. Today at church my pastor (Brian) asked if he could pray for me in front of everyone. So I did and then he called the leaders of the church to help out. And told everyone else to hold there hands up to me and such. It was great. My church has been so supportive. They prayed for me to over come my loss (reminds me of a song "we will over come"). Good song. Pastor (Brian) asked god that he will heal me of my pain and be my comforter and that he would make his presence known to a great extent. My ex-roommate played a song while this was going on. I started to wobble and the leadership team held me up. But I kept slipping till eventually I was on the ground crying. The power of god came over me like a frate train. I tried as hard as I could to stay on my feet. But you can't really fight god hehe. So that was all good, I could feel gods presence all around me. From what I heard I swear I heard someone crying as well with me. But I e-mailed my pastor to see if there was someone over me crying. I really want to know who and why they would cry for me. HeHe..

I am also really happy and proud to say that I'm sponsering a child in India. I went to see a speaker who founded the GFA and so I picked a child. I'm so honored to help this young boy in India his name is Halnar Amol Ramdas and hes 10 yrs old. I hope to bless him and be a friend with him. But I'm really excited :).
Posted by Whitepyro @ 5:45 AM  

  • Anonymous Anonymous said at 5:46 AM
    It's terrific what your church has done, and continues to do for you! You are truly blessed to have such love surrounding you!

    Exciting news about your sponsor child, too!

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