I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. - John 15:5

Saturday, July 18, 2009
My life has changed for the better. I can't deny much of that anymore. I'm on a better road then I have been in the last decade. It feels right and proper and no its not easy, But I know its where I am supposed to be.

About 2 months ago I almost gave up. The Devil had me in his grasps and was trying to get me turn away from what was good. I finally came to the conclusion that I couldn't allow myself to end like that because I started to believe all the lies that I have heard for so long in my life. It's almost like god said "OK your ready for these things to finally reach the surface and to confront them". I really wasn't ready as I'd like to think that I was. So I ended up reverting back into my old ways. I stopped going to church, I ignored everyone as I tried to deal with my demons. And even as I was going through that in my life Satan was still having his way with my thoughts filling my mind with more lies. It was very overwhelming for me. He told me lies like (Your unwelcome at Church, No one likes you, God is against you) and so forth. During that time god was still trying to lead me, and in that moment I tried to be obedient, kind and considerate to what he was asking me to do.

God in essence wasn't asking much of me, But it was simple. There was a new person at my work. Her name is Susan. A wonderful woman who I admire and now consider a close friend. You see God is AMAZING!! What else can I say..

But he first asked me talk to her, Not about anything in particular. You see at times I can be really temper mental at work and yet I was supposed to be kind to this woman. So as a few weeks went on and she had the van since her husband didn't have to work that day. I went and had a smoke with her since I missed my bus. So what was supposed to be a 15 min chat turned into a 4 hour chat right there in her van. I honestly don't know sometimes if its just me being easy to talk to, being a good listening or just god opening the flood gates of pure honesty and openness in people. I honestly don't know. But we eventually started talking about faith, and she was quiet torn between her faith and such. So god basically asked me to speak life and encouragement into her life. He used me to reveal His Grace, His Longing, His Loving and unconditional love. From that day forward things moved extremely fast. God continued having me bless and encourage her. God even asked me to give her $40.00 to help her out. She was in need and I wanted to help her. But I did it like god wanted me too, and it helped her. But the next day she gave me the money back. I thought she knew I gave it to her. But she said she couldn't accept that.

And then later that week I had a chance to talk to my Pastor to talk about what I was dealing with and we resolved a lot on the fact of the lies I was believing. Since then I have continued to push forward the gates and the walls that have tried to bind me down.

Susan and I have had several discussions and further discussions on god. God has used me in many ways with Susan. So near the end of June she invited me over for dinner, It was so good too! It was Pork Roast. And I knew that she felt like there was a presence in her home. She told me about after I told her I was going to get her a bible that her cigarette container moved all by it self. She was terrified and me I was like OK we will deal with this.. So that day I went over and then I finally went in the basement and heard tapping in the walls so I declared that it had to leave and then I went back upstairs. I enjoyed doing that :). So then on July 5Th Susan came to my church alone mind you. But I was pleased and a little worried on what she would think of a Pentecostal setting. But she enjoyed it. So that made me happy. And I'm also pleased to say that on my Dad's Birthday July 10Th Susan gave her life to the lord. You also need to understand that Susan was the only one willing to come to my church. Minds and hearts were closed in her house, Her Daughter, Her Son and her Husband. Her Husband specifically said don't even ask about me coming. So as you can see we (Susan and myself) were up against a little opposition to them coming. But they weren't opposed to her going..

But again on July 10Th Leanne and Myself went over to bless her house. It was AMAZING!! It was like a hot poker going through a stick of butter. It was as if the darkness in her home was gone. And then later Susan gave her life over to god. Its very special to me for 2 facts, One being my dad's birthday and my dad giving his life to the lord the last time I saw him before he was murdered. And the fact that Sue gave her life on my dad's birthday holds a double meaning and a special one at that.. After that day it was as if Walls, Doors, Pluming, The kitchen sink, The bed post had exploded and that opposition had vanished. The very next week Susan's whole family came to the church! WOW god is good :)..

Zephaniah 3:17

"The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing.

So with that being said.. God is good.. And then today god started speaking something else to me.. I asked him how can people move past all there stuff, there pain, there past. Because it's something I struggle with as well. And god simple said. "What is a scar? Is it not still flesh and yet it isn't normal and soft?" so I said "sure I understand that". So he said "Well. I am the one that comes to heal over your wounds and yes you will still remember them. But it is healed and closed over. It doesn't hurt anymore. So I say to you why do you worry about the past? It was yesterday and today is a new day. It no longer has its grip on you". So WOW! As I continue to think of that context I realize that things have been loosened.. My dad's Death, Me getting jumped its past and its healed and yes a scar remains and I still remember. But That was yesterday and today is a new day.. It has no hold on me.. Because I am LOVED I am ACCEPTED I am FORGIVEN and I AM FREE!!!

Praise you lord!!

My god is Living and Active.. What else can I say?


Posted by Whitepyro @ 3:40 PM  

  • Blogger Unknown said at 12:31 PM
    That is an awesome story. Moving and interesting, My name is Robert Trevino the leader of a few ministries. We are starting the website, I really liked this story for the Testimonial section. I would love it if I could use it for that element. If you have another Testimony maybe of your own we can use it as well. Please let me know my email address is RETrevino@projectpursuit.org

    Thank You,

    May god bless you, you’re family
    Susan’s family

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