I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. - John 15:5

Wednesday, January 19, 2005
I'm very humble with my recent post and the acceptance that I have received from the comments about it. Sure I got a few hecklers about it, but I wont let that get me down because there will always be people who want to feel superior to you in any way they can and it just makes me laugh so.

I had a pretty good day too! I went and see "In good Company" it was a good movie more of a mature comedy movie. It ended differently then what I thought. But its defiantly worth seeing. I told my girlfriends that "I loved her" for the first time. Its starting to get really serious. Shes a little ahead of me emotionally but I'm catching up. And I also spoke with my dad, he was telling me that he had sent 4000 pesos to the Philippines to my step moms family. That is about $100.00 CND and 4000 pesos is about 6 months wages for them. So he was able to bless them a lot. And he mentioned as to say "Luckily I called them". They didn't ask for the money he just gave it. So I then told him I understand why what has happened in the past has happened. I believe that god is finally healing my dad of his short comings. Leading my dad to him and now hes helping bless the Philippines.

I also would like to ask any of you to pray for a friend of my girlfriends who suffered a massive heart attack this week that he will have a speed recovery and all that good stuff..

It also has been a sad week for my church as well as 2 people I know in the church has had family pass away this week as well. I also hope I can write some more sermons sometime as well..

God bless and stay strong in your beliefs
Posted by Whitepyro @ 7:53 AM  


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