A new beginning in life is one a lot wish they could do. A new start in a new city, a new apartment or house and a new job. Well thats me. It all started back in September. I'm finally just getting on my feet here in my new home town. The job is going good. Pay is moderate. But its more then what I use to make by just a smidgen. So its nice to say that. Of course I now have a girlfriend as well and thats going really good.
But to reflect on the past is always good to see how far one has actually come as well. Just to think of 4 years ago brings much of growth in myself. I shouldn't say the last 4 years have been great to say the least. I for one got jumped 4 years ago. Had lots of panic attacks during that time as well. And also lived with a drunk. So those were the bad parts in my life that I have long overcome the fear of it all. The really good parts would having been competing in a mod I played at the time was Q3F and Threewave both Quake 3 mods. I still miss playing them till this date. Q3F was ported to ET engine and was just released last week so now its ETF. And that gets me down that I'm missing out on that fun too. Competing online in these so called mods are like Canada without its hockey right now. Its our pass time. And that pass time got me through a lot of the junk in my past. They were the only thing that truly kept me happy about having a life with out the despair I had in it. It may not be so much my only happy spot in my life if I were to have it. But it would be still something I miss deeply without my fun times.
But of course I do have my girlfriend right now and that is growing very considerably. Especially over the last week my feelings have changed quiet moderately in the forward motion. This would mark our month and a half of dating as of today's date as well. So its going good :)
So what is true growth? I can tell you a few things I've learned since I have not had a computer in since September (5 months later) and probably another (CENSORED) 5 till I finally get my PC. One lesson would be that what makes a man is the people he surrounds himself with, may it be with your friends or family. Or that god will always pull us up from our most darkest hour and delivery us. I've learned so much about god since living with Paul (my roommate) I shouldn't say in part from September on but over the past 5 years Paul has tried to instill a lot of things in me which some he might have succeeded in and well some not to well :). But thats to be expected I suppose.
I also spiffied up the design of the site. I got sick of the dull colours that was a default template. I have my own personality that I want to portray :). But this blog software is so limited it kinda sucks. Maybe I will code one for myself once I get my PC again. Along with my other numerous coding projects. Like I tell everyone else. I will be the next biggest programmer in the year 2056 cause I will release everything I have all at once lol. I'm a perfectionist when I code anything so it takes 40 years for me to actually get it out there. But hey some things change and maybe thats one soon to be come :).
Well I probably should shut up as some people complained I talk to much :)
God Bless and Take Care
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