I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. - John 15:5

Sunday, January 23, 2005
Well yesterday was such an interesting day. I went to work on Friday which is normal. I had to make a deal to leave 2 hours early. Of course they are making me make that up for 2 hours on Sunday. Thats annoying to go in just for 2 hours LOL. But hey what can you do anyway. Me and Barb (my girlfriend) went to our church cause we were doing a CD release party at the church and invited a bunch of youth to come as well. Purposively the church had a battle of the bands in the summer when I wasn't living in brantford yet and Make Shift Policy won that battle and now we were hosting their CD release party. Anyway Guilty As Charged opened up for Make Shift Policy and put on an awesome show themselves, They also were in the battle of the bands and came 2nd place. So its was all good the shows went great and I bought their Cd's and of course being who I am I wanted them to sign my Cd's. Well I got that done. That now makes for me having 6 signed Cd's. I love signed Cd's. Its all good though.

But after the show was over is when all the fun began. Some of the kids had decided that it might be cool to trash the mens and woman's washrooms. The woman's washrooms was very minimal though we had to add particle board to the bottom of the stalls cause the stall doors were so high and basically you could see in the other stalls. So we had those on their and they decided to kick them all off :|. The mens washroom got the worst of it. They decided to take the soap bottle and spray it on the mirror, all along the walls, as well as smash the picture in the washroom and steal the picture. Lets just say it took 2 hours to clean the mens bathroom. This personally is a slap in the face of disrespect to my place of worship. Although I forgive them for what they have done. So basically thats how yesterday went. Cleaning for 2 hours :|.

I'm also letting my hair grow :). My bangs are past my eyes (this is very long for me LOL). So I'm letting it grow out some and seeing what happens with it. I also wanna streak my hair. That might come soon :). I also looked at my referrals today and I'm listed as the top #2 gamer blog here on blog-city. *UPDATE* Make that #1 :). *End Update* I am quiet humble to actually be able to say people read what I write. And some of you actually like it. (May it be the 3 people that actually come back that is) :). Barb and myself are going good to and I'm happy to say that I'm having a lot of fun.

Today kinda sucked though. My roommate Paul was supposed to do a concert today at the church. None of you know but Paul is a performing artist. He hasn't done a album in over 5 years though. He just hasn't had time to record in a while. But he arranged to have a Grand piano brought in for him to play on tonight. But unfortunately weather had other plans and we got slammed with 20cm (don't ask in inches I don't know :|) within 8 hours. So unfortunately Paul had to cancel. I was really looking forward to going too!

Geek side time:

I do see their are lots and lots of good games coming out this year! I'm really excited lol. F.E.A.R will be out in Q2 of 2005 so thats kewl! Age of Empires 3 as well sometime soon. I won't let my geeky side talk to long cause most of you could care less about my geeky side :P. But lets just say I'm realllllllly looking forward to this years lineup of some very awesome games :)

Quote of the day: A life without christ, is a life that is never fixed.

God Bless all of you and be safe :)
Posted by Whitepyro @ 7:48 AM  


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