I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. - John 15:5

Monday, January 31, 2005
Today was a very interesting day. I ended up getting up around noon. I was so tired I worked 9am-5:30 the day before got up for 7:30 so I went to bed at 2am on Sunday morning and got up for noon. Did I mention I had a wonderful hot bath Saturday night? It was so good. I got to relax for once it was great. But anyway I ended up walking to Barbs and we ended up walking to the mall. So basically I had walked 2 1/2 miles from my house to the mall. Then I did it all over again but went to the church which is 3 miles from the mall or so lol. Let me tell you my legs were tired as heck by the time I got there. But anyway I went to the mall with Barb checked some prices on the Telus phones for pay as you go. Had lunch looked in stores then headed to her place and I then walked to church. Anyway ... I made it to church and it was amazing. A lot of stuff happened. I went to the front with Barb during service. Well ends up I cried 3 times lol. I just needed some healing in my life and I actually did get some of that spiritually healing. Had like 3 visions too. Really cool ones too. But I won't talk about those :). I got enough people telling me I'm crazy or stupid cause I actually vented for once. Kinda funny how people are such hypocrites some times. But no ones perfect or without sin. So all is good I suppose. Other then what I vented early :). My mom replied. She posted in the more recent post. I moved it down to the appropriate topic post and posted my comments back.

Its truly funny though. Parents are clueless. I remember a post my mom made not to long ago on one of my blogs. She said something along the lines of "Your doing so much better". But its funny cause I've always been religious, shes just never known. Parents never know what us kids think cause we never tell them. So its kinda weird cause I can fully express myself now on my blog. But parents also get to see the other side of me one they would not normally see. But its weird too, cause sometimes I hold back. But as you seen I didn't with the last one. We all need to vent and I blew my top. I've held things back for so long, or suppressed emotions so long that came to my down fall for over 2 years. Now that I can better handle my emotions, I need to express them. I'm probably rambling to much but hey. I gotta express myself some how :P. (So don't be mad because you know what & where I write, just be glad you know where I express myself)...

God bless
Posted by Whitepyro @ 7:43 AM  


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