I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. - John 15:5

Sunday, January 30, 2005
Well that was a quiet interesting few days. My mom never did reply to the e-mail I sent her. And my girlfriend and myself are back on track. She apologized for her stuff she pulled. I'm doing OK at work as well. Beating expectations in sales. So that kinda makes you feel somewhat good. I also started reading a book called "Putting away childish things" its a great book on self healing through the grace of god and how he can heal even things in a very deep past things we may have dug deep into our unconscious minds of our childhood memories or things that have scared us. So far I'm really enjoying it and i will probably review it once I've done reading it. Pretty good book so far though. Barb and myself are supposed to get together sometime this Sunday and hang out. I also had my roommate take some new pictures of me. I wouldn't post them on my blog though. I dunno I just don't like to post stuff like that on here lol..My mom sent me a new coat too! I didn't get a chance to post that I got really ticked off and posted the bad instead of some of the good. So my mom got me like 4 pairs of pants, a coat, a really cool pocket knife (a collectors type), sent some of my dvds, etc. So that made my day. I'm also working on getting a cell phone. Hopefully I will get one soon. Oh yeah and my mom also sent me some pictures. Some from our trip to Vancouver when we went whale watching. That was a fun trip. She also sent some old photos of myself. Its really depressing and very delightful to see old pictures. The great memories that they hold. But those were the days of no worries in life other then your next candy fix. And you looked very cute :P. I want the cute part back but hey I can't win them all. She also sent a photo album which I filled up :). So that was also a fun thing. In the book I'm reading "Putting away childish things" that our childhood memories can be of great joy or very stressful or make you very sad. Some of us have had traumatic experiences as children or in our teen years that have scared us. If you haven't read the book I suggest you give it a look its very interesting :). Its written by a pastor has a lot of scriptures to back stuff up and all. (Personally I hate books, especially factual stuff, but this stuff is gooooood :]).

I hope all of you are doing well.

God bless
Posted by Whitepyro @ 7:44 AM  


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