Gosh has life been busy as of late. To much work and such. Paul is home now. So I'm not alone anymore and he brung the laptop WAHOO! LOL. Not that it really matters that is. But I filed my taxes. And I'm getting a return so thats good as well. Also got a pretty good check coming. Probably not $750.00 like the last one. But maybe $650.00 hopefully for take home. So thats good as well. I'm really trying to get my debt down as well. My tax money goes to credit debts. WAHOO! Well maybe not all of it.. I need a new pair of shoes. So I might get some. My mom was supposed to call me on Monday or Tuesday. But I think she forgot :|. I also booked this Saturday off. The fun part about it is I get paid to be home that day :). Me and Barb are no more though. Shes not really a person you can understand to well. Shes very complex. As am I for that fact. But hey it was her that ended it. And I will not hold myself to anything on that fact. Life will go on for that matter. But life is still good. I read some stuff from the bible last night. It felt good to read it too! :) I know I mentioned about me going to my friends in the last blog. But I had lots of fun playing
ETF It sure brings back some awesome memories. But I will be dead by the time I ever get my PC back. But it doesn't bug me as much as it use to. I'm still growing my hair though. Its past my nose these days. To bad I don't have any recent pictures :P. Not that I would post them on my blog either though LOL! I had a talk with my pastor on Sunday too! He says he hasn't seen any joy in me in months. Which might even be true. I've been struggling a lot in my faith off and on. And that can be a little hard sometimes. So I went no holds on him on Sunday and asked him to everything I wanted to know no matter what it meant. He answered all my questions. So thats good I feel better :). I've also been reading a lot of Christian books (Half of them bring the doubts :|). I've also read "The Bible Code II" It was a very interesting book too! I doubt half or all of it is real. But hey a very interesting read indeed. You know its amazing how much one can fit into ones head. Oh yeah before I forget. I have been thinking hard on getting myself a tat. I love this image I found!
I so want to get it tattooed. I love the triple meaning of the cross, Amazing love and the Thorns. I'm still deciding though to get it done or not. Time will tell I suppose.
But hey I better shut up for once :)
*Duct tapes his mouth shut*
God Bless!
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