I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. - John 15:5

Thursday, September 15, 2005
Well Sorry about not posting in a while. I've had a lot of stuff to do lately. I've been busy with god, busy with work, and busy coding. Which makes for a pretty hectic life. And man do I enjoy it other then the work part :). Now I'm going to speak french to most of you :)

Clan Infininity redux is going though its ringer. I've on like my 10TH revision of the setup modular. The $_SESSION Variables are proving a little hard for me. Its all new to me and all. So I've been investigating the $_SESSION variables security. I figure I will do it later as it is taking a lot of time to study. But that's OK for now as I will have a standard variable for the login verification. But I'm really enjoying coding again. Its a lot of fun and a challenge to say "Hey I made this!" kinda like how god probably felt when he rested on the 7TH day and said this is good. I am also going to be re-opening my business. Which I'm looking forward to! What I'm doing is going to be huge. (At least I hope so). I have also taken on a business partner. Hes a cool guy known him for years. I look forward to our collaboration in our subsidiary company. Its going to be great for the community as a whole. :) But you know CIR is only about 5% done. :) I look forward to this amazing challenge that I'm undertaking. Its all for gods glory any how so :)

I have also been learning so much over the last few days. God has been amazing. He really has been showing himself to me like no other. My gifts are starting to surface in the presence of god and man do I enjoy it. About a week ago or so my buddy Landon came over at 12:40 am and didn't leave till 2am. I think I was baptized in the holy spirit, it was simply amazing. I was on the floor almost 1 full hour It must have been cause as soon as Landon came over he started to pray, I lasted about 15 minutes on the chair and went flying off as gods holy hand just touched me. (When I mean fly I really do mean fly off) *ZAP*. It was like having a seizure for the whole time on the floor. My legs, arms, everything would not stop moving. I seen many visions including 2 spirits that rested in my house. Landon banished them out of my house through gods presence. But don't get me wrong. Landon had nothing to do with it. He PARTNERED with the lord and the lord did the work. God will fight for you as we have no need to fight for ourselves. God is truly amazing. I have been soaking in his presence ever since. This experience has to be close to my baptism cause that was just amazing too!

I have also been watching this amazing videos on Kent Holvald. This guy is simply amazing. He debunks the evolution theory like no other. I mean you got to watch this videos. Especially if your a none believer. I guarantee you will be changed if you watch these videos. Mind you most are about 2 hours long. But what is 2 hours of your life, IF it will change you forever. I would take that bet any day if I wasn't saved. God has also brang along 2 people for me to Sheppard since I got baptized its amazing. Over the past week they've come and I've taken the challenge to show them the glory of god.

On Tuesday it was great. Landon came over and we watched 2 seminars on Kent Holvald and then we danced and praised god for about 30 min and he was tired so he went home. But before he went god gave me some things to say to him. I think it hit him like a bullet. I even saw a vision of clouds and rain so I said Landon its going to rain tomorrow. And you know what? IT DID! LOL. Now is that not teaching his people that you can hear god? :) Also yesterday we were supposed to see this guy from "The Dream Centre" he was supposed to come and speak but it got cancelled due to the hurricane. And funny thing is he was on Dr. Phil and they gave this woman $10,000 and a house. Now isn't god good? :) So of course they were busy helping people from LA. So we praised for about 2 hours at YES CHURCH! And I got more visions. Our city was on fire. Burning. I felt like I should scream "LET IT BURN!" The holy fire of god was setting the city ablaze. Gosh I love it :). THEN!!! Others seen this vision too (well sorta, Mine was more defined) but again I saw the city. This time with huge dark clouds rolling in. I believe this is the rain of god. Because it started to pour with so much force it was amazing. Not only that but there was THOUSANDS of lightning bolts hitting the ground as we praised god. I mean the sky was as day. Lighting is the hand of gods power. I say bring it god. I'm ready!!! Lets save the city. This is the city of god and I will not stop till everyone is saved.. AMEN!!

Well got to run. May god bless you many times over. Have faith and stay strong :)
Posted by Whitepyro @ 5:55 AM   0 comments

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