Man I got to admit I'm one busy person :). While I have been busy I couldn't forget to blog... (*SIGH* I know that's called sarcasm). Sorry about long hiatus.. I'm a slacker in many respects. But while I have been busy I have been thinking of so much. A lot of memory lane. My past that's for sure. A lot of them are with my dad and myself respectively.. One real moment that strikes me is sitting in my dad's car listening to Billy Idol - Mony Mony and White Wedding. My favourite songs growing up I was probably about 5 or so :) Or when my dad promised me his car when I was five years old. It was a hatch back red car. I don't know the make or model but he sold it and so I cried :*(. Or some of my favourite movies growing up which were "Short Circuit" & "Indiana Jones: And the temple of doom". Or living with my dad on a street called Wedsworth where I would always find Fossils and Fools gold. I still have quiet a bit of those stones I found in my collection. YES I DO COLLECT ROCKS! :D Have a couple of Geo's (Rocks with crystals in the centre core), Trilobite fossils I found near my home and tons of fools gold among some other really cool types of artifacts. Oh the innocents we all once had and the freedom at that. My only regret as a child in my current stage in life is that I didn't know god earlier in life where I could have been. What I could have seen. Mind you when I was about 9-11 somewhere in there I did attend a Pentecostal church with a girl I was dating.. (Yes I can hear the outrage of me having a girlfriend at that age :|). Then my dad started to take notice of me going all the time and he started going to Jehovah's witness meetings which turned me off of god for many years.. I never did accept god at that point in my life either. I went for the girl :|.. Pity I know but I was dumb and arrogant brat. Mind you I was a pretty good kid at that point in my life. But like I was saying my dad took me to Jehovah's witness's meetings which bored the hell out of me. In fact it turned me off so much I never accepted Christ yet again. When I was in grade 5 I became a pretty bad kid, in fights every day. It was crazy. But it was my teacher who taught me my wrongs. She advised me that I should apply for a peace keepers job. This was like a mediator thing for the school yard. I went through that and eventually my life turned around. As an incentive of me behaving I would get a free bag of chips the first time around. Second time around it was McDonald's with the principle. And the third time was at a really nice Italian restaurant with my teacher. Karen O'Brien. She was a teacher and heart for her students and I would even go as far to accredit to her that she changed my life for the better.
Now with my present I try my best to live in freedom in all things. Our church moto is to "Be Free, Live Free, And free Others". Quiet a moto if I say so myself. I have been learning so much since I lost my job. God has been teaching things like stretching my money that there is always MORE than enough in all things. Mind you my mom has been helping me financially since work is quiet scarce at this point and time. But yet I'm growing in one of the harder things in my life. (Hardest would be my dad dieing :|). You know before I went to freedom house (my church). I was suicidal and my life felt like a living hell with panic attacks. But now I'm more free in so many things. But mind you I had to regain a lot of that after my dad died. My trust level plummeted, me willingly worshipping was unheard of. But now god has lifted me up and I am once again happy for a change. I also got a tattoo to dedicate to my dad, and my spiritual father as well. Its a cross with a banner that says DAD.
Picture Here. It did not hurt to much. Just like a sunburn, but like I said nothing drastic. Right now I am holding on for dear life to stay here in Brantford. I full heartily don't want to leave Brantford. I have a healthy life here and I won't go without a fight. Please pray that I can find a job soon :).
My future is a bit sparse as I honestly don't know if I will be able to find a job. And my family is mad at me because they don't understand why I want to stay here in Brantford. They just don't understand and my mom and everyone I know in Brantford agrees with my answers on why I feel I MUST stay here. :)
But I think I've written enough for today. May god bless you today, tomorrow and forever.
Gamerguy (Evildobbi)