Well I'm over at a friends today. Been playing some PC games. Help him move his tread mill as well. Life has been pretty good lately. Me and Barb broke up though. But its OK. Life will go on.. I'm really have been getting into History as of late. Its really interesting to me at this point in time in my life. Paul came back and gave me lots of merchandise. Good stuff too! :) But hes gone again. He won't be back till Wednesday. And then he might be leaving again to go to Ottawa. But oh well. As well life will continue to go on... I went to see a play at this church near my work. It was for easter called "The day before tomorrow" It was on the biblical story of Phobos and Lucius the 2 thief's that were crucified with Christ. It was a really good play too! I'm hoping to have some spare money this Friday on my check. I need some money to pay some bills. Well gotta run
WOW! Well my roommate Paul is now home. I'm on the laptop. He took it with him. HeHeHe. Sorry I haven't been able to blog to much. Work took the computers away from the lunch room. So we can't use them for now :|. Some people have been abusing them from what I'm told. Thus why they were taken away. And the library blocks any blogs. Which is kinda suckage :(. But hey my life has been a little better I suppose. First night hes been home and I have a PC to work with. But thats not going to last long hes leaving again tomorrow (Wednesday) hes going to see his sister in IL or IN something along those lines for a week. Then he will be back for 2 days and leaving for Ottawa.... :| Hopefully he will park is butt soon cause man its running far. I do have some bad news though. Me and Barb are no more. But hey it was mutual we have gone our separate ways. Its not the right timing for this type of thing I suppose. I've turned into a semi-work-a-holic. Which is good cause I just got a $750.00 check for 2 weeks. (Thats a lot for me :]). But hey Its all gone and I'm broke again.. I need food now. Where did all my money go. Shit I don't even know :|. But yeah it was mutual. And I need to find out how to get some money to get some food. UGH! And I still need 50$ for a bus pass :|. But Paul did give me some good stuff. I got a Stellar Kart wrist band, Stellar Kart CD, His backstage pass that oddly enough says "Vanilla Ice"? Don't ask.... I also got Kutless, Barlow girls Cd's as well and all 3 signed by the gang. So that makes me happy. I got some Merchandise hehe. I did my laundry today too! I talked to my Dad today. He finally got my T4 from Frame craft my old job. Took them long enough. Maybe I can file my taxes soon. That will be nice. Hopefully I get some money back. I would really like that. Thats for sure :). I need to pay BILLS! I hope no one has forgot me over these past 5 weeks. I've missed you all! I've gotten sick, fought some depression, did major ass over time. And lost my faith. But regained it again. Lots of fun. Lots of Trials and Tribulations. Lots of insight. As you seen from my earlier post. I had a nice verse. I liked that though :)..
I haven't heard from my mom lately though. She needs to give me a call! (DID YOU HEAR THAT MOM GIVE ME A CALL!!!!!) :) Yes she reads this so yeah.. Did I mention the belt my mom got me broke? As well as the zipper on the new coat she gave me :|! UGH! So now i got my pants down past my butt half the time. (JUST KIDDING) but it surely feels that way. Oh yeah at work today. The fire alarm went off (AGAIN!). Its the 3rd time in the past 2 months. They doing construction below us and first time it was the dust, 2nd time it was that they hit a pipe and the sprinklers went off. This time it smelt like burnt plastic. I suppose we will find out tomorrow if there was actually a fire this time around (I serious doubt it though). Did I mention my work is inside a old mall?? We took over the old Eaton's building I'm told.
OK I really need to shut up cause I could write a damn book! I hope everyone is well and I have not been forgotten. God bless. Be well. Be Merry. And be with god!
God bless
Well times have been quiet busy lately. Haven't had to much time to blog lately. Busy with work and all. Did 50 hrs last week almost did 50 hrs this week. Hopefully I will have a nice check. But I haven't been seeing much of my girlfriend Barb the last few weeks which totally sucks. But hopefully that will end soon and we will be able to spend some time together. I got sick last Sunday too. That sucked hardcore. I've been thinking a lot to stuff blog worthy but I never get a chance to write it down which also sucks :|. I had a dream last week as well. It gave me a really nice verse it was:
2 Timothy 1:14 (Amplified Bible)
14Guard and keep [with the greatest care] the precious and excellently adapted [Truth] which has been entrusted [to you], by the [help of the] Holy Spirit Who makes His home in us.
I think its a really good message one that we all should listen to and understand. Paul is still on the road and supposed to come home soon. Doing fine without a computer though, so thats good. Just keep getting movies from the library and studying up on coding again. I want to get back into coding again. I have had a project thats gone a yr and a half that I would like to finish. There's a lot of things I want to do as well. My license is going to run out too! :(. So its gonna expire and I can't stop it. So I need to make some arrangements to try and get it renewed. I don't know what happens if it expires.. I wonder if I will have to start over who knows. But time will surely tell.. Anyway time to get my butt to work..
God bless
Well since my roommate is on his trip, I've been alittle busy. I did 11 hrs on sat for work 3hrs extra. I'm trying to do alot more hours for the extra mighty Dollar! :). So far so good and i'm set for 42hrs for this week compair to 34 hrs I usually do. Even worked tuesday on my day off. So hopefully all will be good on next check. I'm broke right now though so that sucks lol. My roommate also has a blog up on his trip with "Kutless","Barlow Girl","Stellar Kart". He got me all 3 cds and got them signed. You can check his blog out at peej0e.blogspot.com take a look at all the pictures hes taken and all. But otherwise I'm doing good. Alittle depressed and debating my own faith. But I'm sure things will look up soon..... Hopefully :|.. I really miss having the time to blog. But more things come more important at this point in time unfortunatly. Can't wait till the laptop is back though.... Although Paul is taking it out of my room so... Oh well..
Anyway I'm on my lunch break and need to go eat.
Hope to hear from you guys soon