In our day and age our culture is an ever changing event. I've come to see that as culture has progressed things have gotten worst in many ways. For example if we look back into 1932 we would find the horror genre in a multitude of many films of the quote on quote scary movies. One comes to mind of "The Mummy" which at the time was considered a scary movie. As statistics would show in that time culture in the America's were pro dominantly of Christian Origin. Now that being said from my research most of these films had to do either with Dracula, Mummy's, Frankenstein or of a creature origin. One of the most memorable films from the era would be "Dr Jeckll and Mr Hyde" in my opinion.  Now moving forward to the 1950's era we would find such films as "The War of the Worlds","House Of Wax","Tarantula","The Blob" to name a few. As we can see things have progressed to Aliens, and more creatures. So our fear level or resistance to what used to be feared has now been basically ineffective for the scare tactic. Things needed to be taken to the next step.  Now if we jump ahead yet again to one of the most prevalent horror movies of all time! "The Exorcist" released in 1973 was one of the most fearful movies of its time, it brought Demons to the horror genre. And that type of fear is still generated to this day. As shown by film history we could come to expect such films as "The Omen" released in 1976, "The Amityville Horror" released in 1979, "The Poltergeist" which was released in 1982. All of these films have brought many sequels to the table but in the end they all have a demonic origin. And to current times we find Sex, Drugs, and Violence on our television sets and in our movies. We've gone from foolish animal monsters to things that should not be meddled with. We have taught ourselves to not fear things that are quiet real in the respects to demonic things. So my question is why have we allowed our culture to change to such an extreme as these? And if we've gone this far in the last 60 years or so where will our perspective be in another 60? Where will our culture be? But in closing, We as Christians must live our lives the best we can. Especially not to follow a flock of people who say this and that is the "IN" thing. We are called to live life the best we can by staying clear from these things. Leviticus 20:26 You are to be holy to me [a] because I, the LORD, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own I hope you enjoyed my rant! Let us discuss :D Josh
Posted by Whitepyro @ 3:49 AM
Tonight was pretty cool! I went to Revolution which is a young adults group at my church. And one of the worship leaders was speaking to us about destiny and such. And I would have to say it spoke to me because I don't have dreams anymore. Life is just bleh to me at this point. I'm going to be 23 next month (July 20Th to be exact). And really I don't see anything that is to look forward to. Other then my Desires of what I want to do and such. But those things seem so far off. Like I helped for the first time in the church in respect to ministry for Operation God which is a children's ministry on Saturday. This Saturday is the last one till September. But were having a party. But my deepest desire is to be in ministry and grow and help others grow. And the other thing I REALLY want to do right now as well is a school that the church is doing. But I can't afford to do it unless I get O.S.A.P.. And if you attend this school you won't be able to work due to the long hours of the courses. 8hrs a day from my understanding. Plus my Pastor said no working LOL! I guess there would be lots of homework or something.. But if some miracle happened and I was able to attend there would still be the means of surviving the next 9 months without a job! So its a catch 22. :|. But I don't know anymore, everything seems so hard these days. I'm still out of work too! But here's what I've been thinking as of late. Me being out of work the last 3 months or so. Is this preparation for something new and bigger? I know I'm learning lots and such. But is it possible I might be able to attend this school by some miracle? Is this where things are leading? Or maybe me helping at the Summer camp at the church as well! I really hope to do that most of all! My desires burn like fire. They are hard to contain the joy I get from it. And I felt that joy for the first time on Saturday. I mean its feels amazing to help! It leaves you feeling of something of worth. Like you did something worth while. And there's nothing better then that I'd have to say. Well I better run.. God bless Josh
Posted by Whitepyro @ 2:30 AM
I took this test today on what you believe in and what you most compair to in the religion sects. Heres my results: 1. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%) 2. Orthodox Quaker (94%) 3. Seventh Day Adventist (94%) 4. Eastern Orthodox (88%) 5. Roman Catholic (88%) 6. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (74%) 7. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (74%) 8. Orthodox Judaism (61%) 9. Hinduism (59%) 10. Jehovah's Witness (58%) 11. Sikhism (57%) 12. Islam (50%) 13. Liberal Quakers (48%) 14. Unitarian Universalism (45%) 15. Reform Judaism (44%) 16. Bah�'� Faith (42%) 17. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (38%) 18. Neo-Pagan (35%) 19. Scientology (33%) 20. Mahayana Buddhism (30%) 21. Jainism (30%) 22. Theravada Buddhism (29%) 23. New Age (25%) 24. Secular Humanism (25%) 25. New Thought (24%) 26. Taoism (20%) 27. Nontheist (17%) so according to this test I am "Mainline to Conservative Christian". Why don't you take the test and see how you fair, you can take the test at http://www.beliefnet.com/story/76/story_7665_1.html. Its only 20 questions it dosen't take to long.
Posted by Whitepyro @ 5:11 AM
You know what I get told a lot? I can't keep on 1 subject for to long. I think this will be another one of those things (DAVE,PAUL!) Yes I know I do. But oh well! :) So I joined this photo club my buddy Paul is running. Its pretty cool and fun! The thing I'm starting to realize is that my 1.3mp camera is crappy! The pictures Sam,Paul,Fred, among other members of the flicker photo club have awesome pictures. I'm coming to realized I could really use a better camera :|. Maybe god will allow me to get one for my birthday which mind you is July 20Th. And its coming close to that pretty soon that's for sure :). I've also come to realize I hate 1 thing about blogspot!!! I can't change dates of posts... I wanna bring over my blog info from my blog-city and back date them.. But I can't so that kinda sucks.... I also got some information regarding my dad's death. The toxicology report came back that he was poisoned. But they did not say by what. They also said they will be making an arrest soon and that they have finger prints at the scene. This coming almost 9 months later. And now they are going to be sending some more evidence to the USA for another 2 month wait. I don't know what they sent. But I will let god handle these things. I got to say the news kinda shook me up. Because its an on going thing I keep getting reminded of the severity of my dads death. I called my buddy Paul and talked for over an hour about what I was told, it helped a little. So I guess I will have to wait more time for another set of results :|. I guess that's all for now or I will have like 50 different things in this post. Till next time! Josh
Posted by Whitepyro @ 5:22 AM
You know I would not really expect to have growth in a bad season normally. But things have been growing inside me tremendously the last 3 months that I have been without a job. I believe god is preparing me for something bigger and better. Who knows what that might actually be though. God has been teaching me such things about money, my time, obedience, even birthing more love inside me for others. Last Sunday Nicky who happens to be our Children's pastor at my church Freedom house announced that we were going to be doing another year of "Super summer spy Camp". The camp is for 1 week and the cost is $30 for anyone who wishes to attend. Now mind you $30.00 is nothing for a week. But she was asking for volunteers. I then preceded to pray about it then told her I would really be interested in helping. Now I hope I'm still not out of a job in August. But if I am I know for sure I will be helping. And if I do get a job all the better. But I also hope to still be able to help still. As I think of my past I see mentoring from my close friend Paul. The changes I've gone through from him mentoring me is astounding. Now that I've grown a lot I also want to instill growth in others. Even if they're kids in elementary school or so. That's fine. Remember there is no Children's holy spirit god works in the same way he dose with adults. And to see children be able to walk in destiny at such a tender age blows my mind. I WANT TO BE APART OF THAT. I've told my pastor(s) that my only regret in life was not allowing people to mentor me earlier into the body of Christ. Where I could have been would have been mind blow I think. But I believe there's always a timing thing and the time I accepted and proceeded is the time that was set. So yeah I'm still broke. But you know what? I'm more happy then anything. Its taken these 3 months to learn that god deserves praise through ALL THINGS. Paul tried to tell me this before, But it never quiet stuck or felt to difficult to do. Well I'm happy to say I do my very best that I can these days in worship even though I have a lot of difficulty's in my life as of late. But hey all is good. I'm still here :). As well our church is starting a school too! Which I would die to attend. Its for 9 months. But if I did do something like that I would not be able to work at all! That would mean I probably have to find someone to live with.. Or for something to take me in possibly. I have no idea how I would be able to do that. But its still a desire I want to do to grow in the body of Christ more! In the end of all my rambles I just want more growth and more of god that is my desire to learn however possible I can. Even if it means that I do need to loose my job to learn these things. God uses bad things to turn into good. And I'm not worried where hes going to take me next. But I do ask one thing please pray that I find a job soon or find a way to stay afloat to stay in the City of god.. Brantford.. God bless Josh
Posted by Whitepyro @ 10:33 PM
Well its official. I'm officially broke. I even owe the bank money for monthly fee's they charge :|. So right now I'm (-12.00) debt to the bank! Man I love being unemployed. Man I love not being able to find some work in brantford. The day has come where I have until the end of June to figure if I can stay. I don't even have money for Junes rent. But my land lady should be a bit understanding I hope. I still haven't heard anything from Unemployment either and so I have had no income for almost 2 months. Other then my mom helping me out with 200$ here and there. I really don't want to ask for her help anymore. That's a lot of money. And I can't bare to burden her anymore. The church has prayed about work for me too! But yet I'm very discouraged and left without a paddle. I honestly don't want to have to move to St. Catharines. I need what I have in Brantford to at least be somewhat happy. Friends that care, A support system from friends and the church. Strong potential of spiritual growth. And I love my church here in Brantford. And possibly a GIRL :P. But my Aunt don't care. They're not good enough reasons. If I move to St. Catharines, sure I won't have to worry about rent for a while and there's more then likely more jobs there. But I will loose all I've gained in the past year. Independence, and the things I already said. I believe if I have to leave Brantford I will have a spiritual death because all that's in st.catharines is no support system, no one to encourage me. So much pain that I really can't stand to relive from my other aunt not stop talking about my dad's murder and so forth. I know this is one drastic way god is trying to stretch me. I'm afraid I'm about to break hes got me stretched so far. But you know what? I'm learning so much. And I don't think god wants me to leave either. But its getting scary that I have nothing left. But I am also reminded about Joseph who was sold by his brothers to slavers and then later in his life became the second most powerful man in Egypt. Now I'm not saying I'm going to be all powerful earthly man. What I mean is that sometimes you have to hit total rock bottom in order to go up. But you know what? I'm scared. I really don't know what to do. I feel some what lost and abandoned :|. I know this is not how I should feel though. So I try not to let myself think that stuff. Try to distract myself as much as possible. But I am so tired of distracting myself. I need resolution in the things regarding my dad, a job, my family. Money!!!! SO ya. I'm broke and so confused. Praise god that I have to learn something that he has to stretch me this much. Praise god for my poverty. But you know what? My determination isn't broken. Bring it on! :) Whitepyro
Posted by Whitepyro @ 4:43 PM